Guidelines for the authors
Please prepare your paper for the
Digital Proceedings of the Vilnius Seminar on Cartosemiotics according to the
following Guidelines. The papers have to be submitted in MS Word format. Papers
with considerable deviations from the present Guidelines will be returned to
General. English is the
language of the paper. For the Editorial Board an electronic copy prepared by MS
Word editor and of Times New Roman type should be submitted
following the requirements presented below. The text of the paper should be
printed by Single interval on pages of 210x297 mm (A4 format). Page margins
are: left – 3 cm, right – 2,5 cm, top – 2,5 cm, bottom – 2,5 cm. The same page
format applies for the whole paper. Data concerning authors must be presented:
name, surname, working place and its address, telephone (home, job), fax,
e-mail address. If there are several authors, the person responsible for the
correspondence should be indicated.
Structure of the paper. The
paper should include the following parts:
the authors’ names and
name and address of
their working places,
introduction (the object
and goal of the research, the methods applied, the review of literature and its
the main text,
conclusions or a
list of references
Appendices may be added; they are placed before the
list of references.
The paper design
1. The heading of the paper should be printed 60 mm
below the sheet top by capital letters of 14 pt Bold type and centered.
There is a Single line interval between the heading and the author’s
2. The names and surnames of the author
or co-authors should be printed in sentence case of 12 pt Bold type and
centered. Below the author’s surname, the name of institution
(represented by the author or co-authors) is printed in 11 pt Italic,
its address, the author’s E-mail are written and centered. Different
institutions represented by the authors are recorded in foot-notes.
3. Abstract and keywords are printed in Single
interval of 11 pt type in one column and after the institution address the
margins of 30 mm and interval of three lines below the institution address are
left. Words Abstract and Keywords are printed in Bold. The
volume of the abstract should be not less than 500 words. Between the abstract
and keywords there should be an interval of one line. The keywords should
include 4-10 items.
4. Introduction, main text and conclusions must
be printed in 12 pt type Single interval in single column at the distance of 1 line from keywords. The
first line of the paragraph is to be shifted by 7 mm from the left margin. The
last page of the paper is to be filled not less than by 30%.
5. Mathematical dependences, their notations in
the text and other symbols should be typed in Equation Editor 3 Italic
12 pt type, the indexes by 7 pt, subindexes by 6 pt. Matrices are typed in
square brackets, vectors by Bold-Regular 12 pt type. All the numerals,
including index numbers, are presented in Regular type. Formulas are
centered. The are numbered by Arabic numerals in round brackets and aligned
right. Between a formula and text there should be an interval of one line.
6. Figures and tables should be placed where
they are mentioned; and they are centered. Larger tables and figures may be put
in appendices. Photos should be of good quality, clear and suitable for
reproduction. Photos, tables and figures can be colour or black-and-white. The
numbers of figures and tables (for instance, Figure 1, Table 3)
and inscriptions below are typed in 11 pt Regular font. Figures and
tables are separated from the text by one-line interval.
7. The headings of introduction, chapters and
sub-chapters are printed in 12 pt Bold-Regular lowercase and aligned
left. The introduction, headings of chapters and conclusions are numbered by
one Arabic numeral and sub-chapters by two numerals. The titles of chapters and
sub-chapters should be separated from the text by one-line interval.
8. References are numbered in Arabic numerals
by current numbers using square brackets, for instance, [1]. The list of
references is given after conclusions. The word References is typed in
sentence case of 12 pt Bold-Regular type on the left side and the list
of references in 12 pt. The references must be presented in Latin transcription
according to the following patterns:
1. Gutkowski W. (1997). Discrete structural optimisation. New York: Springer. 250 p.
2. Raukas A. (1994). Yoldia stage – the least clear interval in the Baltic Sea history. Baltica, Vol. 8, pp.5–14.
3. Bitinas A. (1996). The stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits of the Lithuania maritime region. Proceeding of the third Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Tartu, pp. 17–19.
4. Rataiski L. (1976). Cartology, its development concept. The Polish Cartography. Warszawa, pp.36–49.
5. ERMapper Inc., Image compression: ERMMapper 6.0 ECW 2.0 VsMrSID 1.3. (Last visited: April 6, 2009)
Example of a formatted paper you
can find at the conference web page:
You are kindly asked to send your paper by the
deadline indicated in the invitation.
The papers must be submitted to:
Or by surface mail:
Algimantas Cesnulevicius
Lithuanian Cartographic
M.K. Ciurlionio 21/27
LT-03101 Vilnius
Thank you for
keeping to these guidelines.
Organising Committee of the
Seminar, Editorial board for the Seminar Proceedings.